International Business Independent Speaking Presentations
On January 20th, the first-year International Business students in the PIA Global program gave presentations on individually selected topics (during 2nd period in B-203). Students enrolled in Listening and Speaking Level 1 and Level 2 conducted independent research and created five to seven-minute Power Point presentations in English. Level 1 students presented facts and opinions about a foreign country, and Level 2 students introduced the advantages and disadvantages of topics such as “Studying Abroad”, “Learning a Foreign Language” and “Social Media”.
After the presentations, President Naoki Sakaki and Professor Yuumi Sasaki (of the IB department), commented on the presentations and praised the students for their hard work. PIA Global instructors Laura Ebel and Jennifer McGuire also gave positive feedback, saying to the students, “We are very proud of your continued improvement in English as you demonstrated today with these excellent Independent Speaking Presentations!”
【国際ビジネス学科1年生たちがIndependent Speaking(プレゼン)】
学生たちは「Listening & Speaking」Ⅰ、Ⅱの授業で調査したトピックについて5~7分、パワーポイントにまとめて発表。それぞれが選んだテーマについて事実と見解、「advantages」と「disadvantages」(メリットとデメリット) の項目に分けて紹介を行いました。
紹介されたトピックは「Studying Abroad」、「Learning a Foreign Language」、「Social Media」などです。
(記事は Jennifer McGuire講師にお願いしました)